Chevrolet billboard at Disney’s Hollywood Studios

Art Dirction and Design - Julie Loucks
Illustration - Disney Artist

Chevrolet Corvette factory banner design.

Chevrolet Corvette factory banner.

Detroit Grand Prix. This large format banner was designed for the Detroit Grand Prix and installed at the top of the Rennaissance Center. Other banners were also created for track installation.

Saturn SKY launch. Truck wrap designs for mobile events.

Hanson running team bus wrap and Aura Hybrid wrap. These vehicles were present on tour for mobile events.

Saturn and Bon Jovi mobile event promotion. Up and coming bands were invited to audition to become Bon Jovi’s opening act. Set designs included stage scrims, large format banners, feather banners, pull up and retractable signs. Giveaways included: posters, t-shirts, hats and water bottles.



